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Archives for February 2020

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Hear No Evil


In his famous lectures to the ministerial students of Spurgeon's College, the great English Baptist, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, was fond of saying, "that a minister ought to have one blind eye, and one deaf ear." According to Spurgeon, survival in the ministry...

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Seeing Straight


The famed astronomer Percival Lowell spent many years studying and surveying the surface of Mars. Through this scientific pursuit he believed he saw canals of water on Mars and set about mapping them carefully. By the time Lowell published his findings, he...

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The Domino Effect


In Ecclesiastes 9:18 we read that, "one sinner destroys much good." In the wisdom and warning of this verse, Solomon reminds us about the domino effect of sin. There is a contagious power to sin that we often overlook. One sinner and one sin can inflict...

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Forget About It


Three sisters, ages ninety-two, ninety-four, and ninety-six, lived together. One night the ninety-six-year-old filled the bath. She put one foot in and then paused. "Was I getting in the tub or out of the tub?" she shouted to her sisters. The ninety-four-year-old yelled back...

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