You've Asked If I'm A Calvinist
You have asked me if I am a Calvinist, and this is my response:
The answer to your question, “Are You A Calvinist?” depends on what you mean by the word “Calvinist”. Let me give a few examples.
If by Calvinist you mean, “the person who doesn't evangelize” then the answer is NO!
If by Calvinist you mean, “the person who is cold and uncaring” then the answer is NO!
If by Calvinist you mean, “the person who doesn't believe our choices matter” then the answer is NO!
If by Calvinist you mean, “the person who doesn't believe in reasonable self-determination” then the answer is NO!
If by Calvinist you mean, “the person who idolizes John Calvin” then the answer is NO!
If by Calvinist you mean, “the person who believes that God is the author of sin” then the answer is NO!
If by Calvinist you mean, “the person who doesn't have a sense of humor” then the answer is NO!
If by Calvinist you mean, “the person who thinks they’re better than others” then the answer is NO!
If by Calvinist you mean, “the person who believes the Bible teaches:
All men are totally depraved and their wills are in bondage to their depraved minds and depraved affections or emotions. Men’s wills are “free” to choose anything that their minds believe and their affections desire. Unfortunately, the scriptures tell us that all men’s minds are enemies of God and “cannot” be otherwise except through God’s regenerative power. Also, scripture tells us that all men hate God and no one seeks after God. The net result is that while men are making free moral choices with their wills they are only choosing off the buffet of their fallen, God-hating, non-understanding minds and affections which will always inform their will to choose against the Lordship and glory of God. Thus all men are responsible for their choices freely made.
Against the stark backdrop of man’s depravity and complete inability to remedy their condition is the glorious truth that God has planned from all eternity to show His power, justice, grace, and mercy through saving some even though all deserve eternal punishment. Election is God’s eternal plan and choice to save some for His glory. God’s choice to save some (election) is based not on supposed foreseen merit or faith but rather on God’s sovereign choice and pleasure.
The sufficiency of Christ’s atoning work is not limited but rather the scope or purpose of that atonement is limited to the saving of the elect.
Since man is unable to respond to God because of sin and depravity, God in His mercy regenerates some thus making them alive to respond to God with their own now “freed will”. God’s regeneration and man’s response are almost simultaneous when viewed from our perspective but it is God who moves first. Man’s response is irresistibly secured by God’s saving grace, which is the God-given capacity to desire and chose Christ. Those whom God has chosen are certainly drawn to Christ. This “drawing” is a work of the Spirit, which cannot be resisted. “All that the Father has given me will come to me”.
All of the elect are kept by God’s grace in a saving relationship and will certainly persevere unto eternal life. All those saved by God’s grace will persevere in their faith since it is God who keeps them. The elect will never finally fall away and all the elect will be saved.” then the answer is YES!
© Dave Doyle
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Mark Romano Sep 20, 2017 @ 8:00 am
Excellent summary on Election Dave! As Pastor Philip has said before, we walk through a door that is titled "whosoever will come" and as you walk through and look back it is titled "Chosen by God".
Doug McAllister Sep 18, 2017 @ 7:33 pm
Hopefully, we all believe that Christ would want brothers and sisters in Christ to work out these differences relying on His all sufficient grace.
William Anthony Sep 18, 2017 @ 2:00 pm
When God say you have to be born again to be saved. This is one time event. If you say that God has to open your eyes first, and then you would be able to be born again this is two steps to get saved.
Jean Lopez Sep 17, 2017 @ 7:54 am
Thanks Dave for a great & concise explanation. John 1:12,13 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
Chris Voeltner Sep 16, 2017 @ 12:20 pm
Wonderfully said and we’ll explained. Thank you Dave!
Henry Llanos Sep 16, 2017 @ 9:26 am
Thanks Dave! Well said!
Jerrad Schmittle Sep 15, 2017 @ 8:28 pm
Very well said. Such a shame that so many assume the "no"s you listed when they hear the word Calvinist.
Jerry Hoggard Sep 15, 2017 @ 5:06 pm
So happy to be among the persevering "elected"! Guess that makes me a Calvinist.
Mike Deming Sep 15, 2017 @ 4:39 pm
I am Calvinist, indeed, thanks Dave
Estella Roach Sep 15, 2017 @ 4:35 pm
Thank you Dave Doyle for such a great answer.
Mark Vaughan Sep 15, 2017 @ 3:54 pm
Amen Brother!