"Kindred Community Church exists to glorify God by making, maturing, and mobilizing disciples of Jesus Christ throughout the world."
At Kindred, we seek to make disciples through evangelism, baptism, and teaching. We also seek to mature disciples by teaching them to love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength by teaching them to love their neighbors - in their own family, in the church, and in the world.
We have ten values that we believe help us to make and mature disciples in a way that honors Christ:
1. The Gospel
We value the gospel because we believe that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone and we value the proclamation of the gospel because we believe it brings life to the church and hope to the world.
2. Expository Preaching
We value expository preaching because we believe in the centrality of God's Word in the life of the church.
3. Discipleship
We value discipleship because we believe the Great Commission is still the mission of the church.
4. Sunday Worship
We value Sunday worship because we believe in the distinct significance and benefit of the gathered church.
5. Prayer
We value prayer because we believe we cannot do more until we have prayed, for without God's grace we can accomplish nothing.
6. Grace Oriented
We value a grace-oriented church culture because we believe love to be the distinguishing mark of the true Christian.
7. Multi-Generational
We value a multi-generational congregation because we believe in the importance of the family and the charge to have the older Christians teach the younger Christians.
8. Ministering Members
We value ministering members because we believe in the priesthood of all believers and the gifting of all for service.
9. Elder Leadership
We value elder leadership because we believe that the church is called to follow the example of godly men as they follow Christ.
10. Evangelical-Protestant Heritage
We value our evangelical and protestant doctrinal heritage because we believe that we are part of something that God is progressively doing across history.