Sing Along
And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, "Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!"
(Revelation 19:6)
The book of Revelation is a very noisy book. It resounds to the clatter of the thunderbolts of God's wrath poured out upon an unbelieving world. From start to finish it echoes to the sound of war, earthquakes, and demonic beasts. Yet for all its blood and thunder, it is essentially a song book. Amidst the din of a world at war with itself and God, there is to be heard songs of praise offered up to God by angelic choirs and redeemed souls. It is an often-overlooked fact that the worship of God forms the background music to the book of the Revelation. There is the anthem of the triune God (Rev. 4:8). There is the creation hymn (Rev. 4:11). There is the new song of redemption (Rev. 5:9-10). There is the angel’s chorale (Rev. 5:12-14). There is the martyr’s canticle (Rev. 6:10). There is the kingdom carol (Rev. 11:15). There is the judgment psalm (Rev. 11:17-18). There is the shout of the overcomers (Rev. 12:10-12). There is the song of Moses and the Lamb (Rev. 15:3-4). And there is the hallelujah chorus (Rev. 19:1-4, 6).
Beginning in chapter 4 and continuing intermittently through to chapter 19, we have a series of songs around the throne of God that highlight the unchanging reality of an eternal world in which God's purpose is unfailing, and in which Christ reigns supreme. History will close and crest with a hallelujah chorus celebrating God's victory over sin and Satan (Rev. 19:6). In the book of Revelation one throne reigns supreme and that is God's throne (Rev. 4:2, 10-11; 5:13; 7:9-10; 11:15-18; 19:1-4). Time will tell at the end that all the great figures of history have been bit actors in a drama written and produced by our Sovereign God and His Son, Jesus Christ (Phil. 2:9-11).
Amidst a troubled and tumbling world John fixes our gaze upon a throne that stands in heaven, a throne that has been established forever (Rev. 4:2; Psa. 45:6). The book of Revelation therefore reminds us that God has not abdicated His throne. It is true of life that there is much that runs contrary to God's will, but where God does not rule, He overrules. So no matter how dark the day the Christian can meet it with a song that says, "Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!" (Rev. 19:6). The worship we see offered before the throne of God in the book of Revelation is a summons to the Christian to live a joyful life of settled peace in the knowledge that God is in control. In the end the godly win. While parts of the book of the Revelation are rather dark and stormy we must not miss the rainbow of a Sovereign God who is worthy of our worship both now and forever (Rev. 4:3). When my father-in-law came to Christ in his native Scotland, his workmates mocked him by saying, "Gordon, has become a hallelujah." Well! Every Christian is and ought to be a living hallelujah to our loving and Sovereign God! Today, you sing harmony and I'll sing bass.
Lord Jesus, May my life and actions be a song that invites others to join in the praises to You, the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. I want my song to be a harmonious anthem to the praise of Your name. Thank You for giving me a song to sing. Amen.
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