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Archives for January 2019

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Failure Is Not Final


The God of the Bible is the God of the second chance, a God who prefers to mend rather than discard. In Matthew 12:20, it is said of our Lord Jesus that “a bruised reed He will not break and a smoking flax He will not quench.”...

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Lost That Lovin' Feelin'


When I was at the Master's Seminary training for the ministry one of our professor's, Jim Rosscup, who taught Bible Exposition, told us one day of his freshman year at Dallas Seminary when beginning his theological training. He told us of feeling intimidated by the knowledge of other students in the class who had come to DTS straight out of Bible College, and so their Bibl...

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Do Sweat the Small Stuff


The tragedy of the Titanic's demise in 1912 is the sad story of the ship's glancing blow against an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean due to carelessness. The rub up against the iceberg caused a series of fatal puncture holes or gashes beneath the water line....

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In the Know


A man in New York City had a wife who had a cat. Actually, the cat had her. She loved the cat. She stroked it, combed its fur, fed and pampered it. The man detested the cat. He was allergic to cat hair; he hated the smell of the litter box; he couldn’t stand the scratching on the furniture; and he couldn’t enjoy a good night's sleep because the cat kept jumping on the ...

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Up Close and Personal


What is the best way to reach the world for Christ? The answer to that question is one home and one heart at a time! Evangelism that is up close and personal is still the best method of reaching the lost. Statistics continue to show that a majority of people come to Christ through the personal witness of a Christian pointing them to Christ....

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