The Best Day of Your Life

Luke 19:9-10
Some time ago I had the pleasure and the privilege of enjoying a lunch with famed Anaheim Angels player Garret Anderson in the company of a few friends. Garret's storied career in MLB had included a World Series win, numerous MVP awards, an American League All-Star award, and the distinction of leading the Angels' franchise in games played, at-bats, hits, total bases, singles, doubles, grand slams, extra-base hits, career RBIs, single-game RBIs, and consecutive games (12) with an RBI. Over lunch we asked Garret what was the most memorable day or game of his career. Without hesitation or reflection, he said his first day at Anaheim and the big leagues. Garret's debut was on July 27, 1994, against the Oakland Athletics where he scored his first hit on a single to right field at the bottom of the third inning. He told us that he can forget whole seasons, and yet go through that day in slow motion. For Garret, it was a dream come true day. For him, it was a best day of your life day.
Some days in life are better than other days, and for the Christian, the best day in life is the day that one is born again, and brought into a living and lasting relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. That is a day that erases our past, and rewrites our future. That is a day that will never end in terms of its benefits. On that day the debt of our sin was forgiven, the righteousness of Christ was imputed to our account, declaring us perfect in the eyes of God. All the promises of God became ours in Christ, and the Holy Spirit baptized, sealed, and immediately indwelled us. Ask Zacchaeus what was the best day of his life, and he will tell you it was the day that Jesus said, "Today salvation has come to this house" (Luke 19:19-20). Ask Andrew the brother of Peter what was the best day of his life, and he will quickly tell you it was the day that he met the Lord Jesus Christ along with John. In fact, that meeting was so memorable and life-changing that the apostle John records the exact hour of the meeting in his gospel. It was ten in the morning (John 1:35-42, 39). That hour changed them forever. The events and experience of that hour with Christ would reshape the remaining days of their lives.
The day we came to Christ is a day not to be soon forgotten. The memory of it should trigger constant outbursts of praise and worship (Psalm 103:1-5; Rev. 5:8-10). The memory of it should ignite a renewed passion to follow Christ (Phil. 3:12-14). The memory of it should quicken our step in the cause of evangelism (John 1:35-42, 41). The memory of it should remind us that the best is yet to come (Phil. 1:6). God has started a work in us that will never end. Heaven awaits those who have put their trust in Christ. The day we came to Christ was a wonderful, wonderful day, when heaven came down and glory filled our souls. Because of that day every day is a wonder.
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