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Archives for September 2019

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I Stand Corrected


A man was on the practice golf course when the club pro brought another man out for a lesson. The pro watched the man swing several times, and then began making some suggestions as to how the fellow could improve his game. But each...

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One Day at a Time


As with baseball, so with life, success is achieved not by hitting a few grand-slam home runs once in a while, but by the consistent hitting of singles and doubles each and every day. A meaningful and memorable life is nothing more than the sum total of...

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This Is God's Work


One of the great dangers in life is trying to do too much for God. I know it sounds heretical, but there can be a serving of God that is sinful; service that makes us look big and God small. We can unwittingly rob God of his glory. We do this when we believe or give...

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Be Yourself


One of the keys to success in life is to live the life God has planned for us, and to be ourselves, and not someone else! Yet, people often spent their lives wishing they had someone else's looks, family, job or abilities instead of their own. An example...

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