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Archives for September 2017

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The Reformation Part 12: The Institutes of the Christian Religion

true godliness

By the time of the Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church had, ironically, moved from being the persecuted to being the persecutor of evangelical faith...

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The Reformation Part 11: Luther vs. The Three Walls of the Romanist

walls of romanist

By the time of the Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church was attempting to insulate itself against any and all movements that called for Scriptural reform...

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You've Asked If I'm A Calvinist


You have asked me if I am a Calvinist, and this is my response: The answer to your question, “Are You A Calvinist?” depends on what you mean by the word “Calvinist”. Let me give a few examples...

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The Reformation Part 10: The Bible in The Language of the People


By the time of the Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church had prohibited the translation of the Bible into the vernacular (the language of the people). Ostensibly, the prohibition and condemnation of Bible translation...

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The Reformation Part 9: The Bondage of the Will


By the time of the Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church had functionally embraced the error of Semi-Pelagianism. Pelagianism (man has no original sin) and Semi-Pelagianism (man is affected by sin but...

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