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Proof of Birth (Part 2)


1 John 5:13

The story is told of the daughter who thought that it was time for her aging and widowed mother to get on with life, so she set her up on a blind date with an elderly gentleman friend. When her mother returned after the evening out, her daughter asked how it had gone. The mother replied, "About half way through the date I had to slap him." The daughter gasped and inquired, "Slap him, did he get fresh with you?" "Oh no," her mother replied, "I had to check to see if he was still alive."

Checking to see if there are signs of life is something we should all do regarding our relationship with Christ. In his first letter, John the apostle gives us a series of vital signs that will prove the presence of eternal life in our life (1 John 5:13). Continuing our last study, let us underscore some more of those signs of life.

Fourthly, a true Christian lives in conscious obedience to God's Word (1 John 2:3-5). The Christian has come under new management and his life is now lived out under the Lordship of Christ mediated through the Spirit and the Word.

Fifthly, the true Christian despises the world and its ways (1 John 2:15-17). The man or woman who is in step with God will be out of step with the world system. Those who are born again fight the gravitational pull of the world's philosophy and pleasures.

Sixthly, the true Christian longs for the return of Christ (1 John 3:1-3). Having been born from above, there is within the believer a deep desire for that life beyond this life. The follower of Christ is other-worldly.

Seventhly, the true Christian will sin less (1 John 3:7-10). The follower of Christ cannot go on habitually sinning. The cycle of disobedience will be broken and a new pattern of righteousness will be established.

Eighthly, the true Christian will love other Christians (1 John 3:14-15). As a new creature in Christ, those who love God will love those loved by God. Conversion produces an abiding affection for and affiliation with the family of God.

In these eight birthmarks, John provides us the means and the measurements by which we might diagnose our spiritual health. Are you in good spiritual health? Are your vital signs strong? Take some time for self-examination (2 Cor. 13:5)!