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The Reformation Part 6: Coram Deo

coram deo

The Reformation (Part 6): Coram Deo

By the time of the Reformation the Roman Catholic Churches’ twin errors of Sacerdotalism (people cannot approach God on their own, but must come through a priest) & Sacramentalism (people cannot be saved directly by the grace of God but rather that people receive grace incrementally through the seven sacraments) produced a compartmentalized view of life.  On the one hand was the Sacred and on the other hand was the Secular. 

The Sacred vs. The Secular

Rome perpetuated the “religious” vs. “non-religious” dichotomy by insisting that religious activities like participating in the sacraments, becoming a priest or nun (holy orders) or attending confession were “holy or sacred” as opposed to a person’s home life, vocation or recreation, which were seen as merely “secular”.

In sharp contrast to Rome, the Reformers pointed Christians back to the Biblical principle that all of life is sacred.  The Reformers taught the Latin phrase, “Coram Deo” (In the Presence of God), which inspired believers to live their entire lives in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the glory of God. So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

In the Presence of God

Since God is everywhere present (omnipresence) and always approachable the believer is to live a life of holiness and moment-by-moment worship.

Under the Authority of God

Since God is King and the ruler of all of life (sovereign) the believer is to see that all of life is sacred and all of life has meaning.

To the Glory of God

Since God is the creator and sustainer of all life the believer is to view everything (family, vocation, recreation, church) as under the Lordship of Christ. 

Make It Matter

  1. Pursue your daily life as a calling from God under the Lordship of Christ.
  2. Rejoice in the reality that God is present in your everyday life and that you do not need a priest or a system to approach and know Him personally.
  3. Deepen your understanding and experience of the Protestant faith by attending the course, The Reformation, offered at both the 8:30 and 10:30 services at Kindred beginning on September 3.

Leading up to the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation on October 31st, I will be reflecting on key principles taught by the Reformers.  Next week we look at the phrase Semper Reformanda.

© Dave Doyle


Dan -- you da man!! ;) So is Dave!

Janet, that's so cool to hear! Thanks for sharing!

Dave Doyle is da man!!!

Enjoying the review of the Reformation. Of course, I was raised Baptist...therefore my ancestors were persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church of England and escaped to Belgium...and came to america as Baptists...and not part of the reformation. but you already knew that, didn't you? :-) Good job. You have a brilliant mind, indeed. Janet

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