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Archives for March 2019

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Safe and Sound


In his book "Muscular Faith", author and campus pastor, Ben Patterson, writes, "When circumstances aren't as agreeable as I want them to be, I practice a little spiritual discipline that has managed to feed my hope and keep me in joy, nevertheless....

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Don't Forget to Say Thank You


One Sunday morning following the service a woman came up to the pastor and thanked him for the encouraging and edifying sermon he had just preached. In his response he said: "Thank you, but don't thank me, thank the Lord." She said, "Well, I thought of that, but it wasn't quite that good."...

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That's an Easy Decision


A young man came to the late Bible teacher J. Vernon McGee and said, "Dr. McGee I have been studying predestination, and I am so convinced of the sovereignty of God that I believe if I stood in the middle of a busy highway, and my hour was not yet come, God would and could spare my life."...

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Proof of Birth (Part 2)


The story is told of the daughter who thought that it was time for her aging and widowed mother to get on with life, so she set her up on a blind date with an elderly gentleman friend. When her mother...

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