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Archives for May 2019

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There Is More Where That Came From


A lady went to her local bank to withdraw some money from her account. Having received it from the teller she proceeded to count it and then recount it. Wondering if he had made a mistake the teller asked, "What is it lady, isn’t it all there?"...

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Good Morning


A PGA golfer will tell you that Thursday is a very important day in any professional golf tournament. It is the day the player needs to get off to a good start. While the tournament cannot be won on a Thursday, it can be lost. They can get so far behind that...

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Everybody Said Amen


Uncle Irv was not noted for his religious devotion but he needed one million dollars to clinch a real estate deal. So he went down to his local synagogue to pray for the money. By chance, he knelt down next to a man who was praying for one hundred dollars...

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Sleep Well


The news of Japan's surprise and savage attack upon the American fleet at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, was a bittersweet affair to the British wartime leader Sir Winston Churchill. Bitter in the sense that he mourned the great loss of ships and sailors...

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