2016 Argentina Mission Trip
Update 5:
Ejler Bettenhausen: What an incredible opportunity and such a blessing!! A cameraman that came back gave his life to the Lord! He is greatly to be praised! Please pray for Jaun in his new walk with the Lord!
Update 4:
Peyton Berryman: "Can't you please just stay here forever?", is what this little girl, Haydee, asked me yesterday. My heart fell into a million pieces and I told her that I would absolutely love to but that Jesus would be with her forever and that He loves her so so much more than I could ever imagine. She smiled and wrapped her arms around me and just hugged me.// God has been so good and He is at work in the lives of these children who have nothing and who have been through unfathomable and tragic events. Please pray for all of these kids, that they would be moved by the gospel and that they would see their need for a Savior. Jesus loves them and knows them.
Update 3:
Ejler Bettenhausen: Praise God!! A local news station came by to document what we are doing here in Argentina.
Update 2:
Ejler Bettenhausen: My football team. It's been a blessing to minister and share christ's love to these boys. Many of which are homeless and orphans. I am so blessed to be here to pour into these kids lives and we have an amazing team of people from kindred here to do that. Pray that we will be able to reach these kids who have been abused and are hardened against the gospel, because most of their lives have been painful, and pray they we can help these kids see that they have someone above that is looking out for them and there for them in their darkest times. Let us be witnesses to Christ's love for these kids. Extremely blessed to be here with these awesome people.
Update 1:
Peyton Berryman:
Well, it's night time here in Argentina and we are all worn out from our first day of ministry here. To begin, it has been a COMPLETE JOY to be here, seriously. The Lord has provided such a unity in our team of very different people, of all different backgrounds, and all different ages and that is all by His doing! Not only has the Lord provided unity in our team from Kindred but also between us and the members of the church here. My heart was stirred today as I sat with several of my teammates and conversed with some teenage members of the church here! It was amazing to see how the Lord unified our hearts despite the different cultures, different personalities, and different languages!! It was a beautiful thing to be a part of and a reminder to me, that by the blood of Jesus Christ we are all brothers and sisters, one big family. This just scratches the surface of all the amazing things the Lord has done since we've been here and we've just begun.
Please be praying for all the kids attending both VBS' and all those who have heard the gospel through door-to-door evangelism and open air. The Word of God does not return void and it is our prayer that lives would be radically changed by the gospel and for the glory of God. Thank you for all of your prayers!!!
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