How do I register?
Visit and fill out a form for each child.
What if I am having difficulty registering online?
Please contact our church offices at 714-282-9941 and we can assist you
How much does it cost?
We are pleased to provide VBS free of charge.
What is the age limit?
Our VBS is for children ages 4 years up to those having just completed 6th grade.
Schedule & Activities
What are the times and days of the program?
Monday – Friday, June 17th - 21st, 2024 from 9:00am - 12:00pm noon, but children can begin checking in at 8:40am. You will need to check in your child each day.
What if my child can’t come for the whole week or needs to miss a day?
That’s okay! We want your child to be there as much as possible, just bring them the days that they are able to attend.
What should my child wear?
Appropriate or modest-length shorts are best with comfortable active shoes (no sandals please). Children should wear their VBS shirt (which will be supplied on Day 1 of VBS) each day. We also strongly recommend that you put sunscreen on your child to ensure they are protected from the sunshine.
What should my child bring?
A Bible, coins for our giving competition (optional) for our ministry project, and a great attitude.
What measures ensure the kids are safe?
All volunteers serving at VBS have been screened with a background check per our policy. We have a security team in place on campus for the entire duration of VBS to do our best to ensure that everyone is safe. In addition, we will have a nurse on hand.
What if my child has an allergy or specific medical need?
Please make sure to include that information when you register and we will make your child’s teacher aware so that they are given the proper care.
Check-in, Drop-off, & Pick-up
How do I check my child into VBS?
We ask that each day, you park and check in your child at the Check-In Station.
What is the check-in process like?
Enter the phone number you used on the registration form into the computer, the computer will prompt you through the rest of the process and you will receive a tag for your child to wear. You will receive a duplicate tag that is required to pick up the child.
How do I register my child on-site if they are not already registered online?
Just visit our registration table and we’d be happy to guide you through the registration process. The following day, you will be able to check in through our computer system.
How do I check out my child?
All children will be checked out in the Sanctuary. Please note that VBS ends at 12:00pm.
What do I do if I lose/forget/misplace my child’s matching tag for pick up?
No problem – please bring your photo ID with you and come to the registration table. Our team will be happy to print out a new tag for you, but we just ask that you have your photo ID for verification.
What if someone else will be picking up my child?
You will need to pass on your duplicate tags to the person picking up your child. That person must also be on the designated pickup list. If you are not going to be able to physically pass these tags onto that person, you can leave them with our registration team with the designated person’s name. Then the person picking your child up must present a photo ID to receive the tags.
What if I need to take my child out of VBS early?
Please go to the check-in area and notify the registration team. One of our team will bring your child to you to check out with your matching tags.
Other Questions
Can I stay on campus during VBS?
With all of the children we have on campus we don’t have any designated room for parents who are not volunteering.
Will my child be fed a snack at VBS or I do need to pack one?
We provide a delicious snack for every child each day. If your child has food allergies please bring a snack in a sealed bag, with their name on it and drop it off at the Nurse/First-Aid Station at the Registration Area.
Can I stay on campus during VBS?
With all of the children we have on campus, we don't have any designated room for parents who are not volunteering. As such, we ask that parents please depart from campus after dropping off their children.