Dr. Andrew Rogers

Passionate about discipleship and equipping God’s people for ministry, Andrew serves as our Pastor of Care and Connection and oversees our Biblical Counseling Ministry. He came to faith during his senior year of high school and was introduced to the ministry of the gospel in college. God quickly changed his heart to pursue pastoral ministry. He entered the pastorate in 1994 and since then he has earned degrees from The Master’s University and Seminary and most recently a Ph.D. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
He has had the privilege over the years to serve in various churches throughout the United States and most recently served as a professor at Boyce College. Andrew also enjoys the privilege of training biblical counseling trainers around the world as Executive Director of Overseas Instruction in Counseling. When he isn’t reading or developing relationships with others, he enjoys spending time with his wife, Jenny, and any one of his two sons or two daughters.
More by Dr. Andrew Rogers
April 2, 2023
Devoted To One AnotherDecember 25, 2022
God's Wonderful GiftsOctober 16, 2022
The Compassion & Mercy of Our God