KSM is a place for junior and senior high students to come together and grow in their relationship with God and relationships with one another. We have great events throughout the year to keep students in the Word while having a blast.
Wednesday Night Break – During the School Year WNB is our mid-week gathering for all junior high and high school students and their opportunity to connect more personally within KSM. A typical evening includes games, worship, and time together in small groups that are broken up by grade and gender. Each small group has dedicated volunteers who help lead as we apply God’s Word to our lives. We meet at the Student Ministries Center every Wednesday night at 130 S Chaparral Ct. at 7pm. |
Winter Camp 2025| Highlight Video Winter Camp provides a weekend away for students to be challenged by the Word, encouraged by small groups and worship, and energized by team competitions and games. It’s always a great way to kick off the new year. |
Disciple Now | Highlight Video D-Now is the annual kick-off to the new student ministry year. We come together to welcome our newest KSM students with a weekend that includes games, teaching, worship, service, and the most epic lip-sync battles you will ever find. When we aren’t in the middle of great food or incredible fun, we’re gathered together to hear messages that encourage and exhort us for the year ahead. |
Summer Camp | Highlight Video Summer Camp is one of the most impactful events your student can be a part of! We take a few days away at a camp and focus on topics and teaching that will help us in our walk with God. There’s always plenty of recreation and normal camp activities to keep us busy but the small groups and teaching are what it’s all about. Camp is always a life-changing time! |
Summer Nights | View Summer Events |
Missions Trips |